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MEX Seal Topical Sealer Finish

MEX Seal Topical Sealer Finish

SKU: 50002

  • $2245

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Designed primarily as an overcoat (topical) sealer for softer tiles: Mexican saltillo, clay and cement tiles. Can also be used as a topical sealer over quarry, stone, etc. when a higher film build is desired. Very durable product, eliminates the need to constantly reseal.

Water resistance: 72 hours submersion without degradation.

Oil resistance: 72 hours resistance to cooking oil & bacon grease.

Household chemicals: Resists ammonia, vinegar, aliphatic paint thinners, alcohols & detergents.

Color: < 3 color garner. Slightly amber.

Gloss: Initially high. Can be reduced with light buffing.

Color effect: Enhances natural earth tones.

Coverage: 800 square ft/gal on smooth (sealed) surfaces.

Average Dry Time: Tack-free in under two hours. Dry Between four and twelve hours. Over application and low temperature high humidity will increase dry times significantly.

Temperature window: 50°-90° F. (10°C) Min.

Hardness: Sward greater than 20. Tg equivalent approx. 40. Overall hardness is affected by film thickness.

Preparation: Surface must be clean & extremely dry. Do not apply over waterborne coatings. May be applied over Sparks S.P.S. after 24 hours dry time.

Application: Apply in thin even coats with a paint brush, paint pad, or lambs wool applicator. Rollers are not recommended. Allow complete drying of previous coat before re-application. Use Stone Glamor on porous substrates prior to using Mex Seal. Hand pump sprayers may be used by professional installers. If Mex Seal penetrates below the surface, allow at least 24 hours before application of second coat. Under adverse conditions allow 72 hours. (High humidity, poor ventilation, low temperature). It is best to use Stone Glamor as a primer before applying Mex Seal.

High pressure and high shear sprayers should be avoided. Additional precautions regarding health are, recommended such as respirators, eye protection and protective clothing and gloves.

Provide adequate ventilation during application and dry time.
Part 50002